Flora Zimmeter

Cultivated landscape

Top, 2008, Screen print on canvas, 50 x 125 cm
Plastic, 2008, Screen print on canvas, 59 x 65 cm
Skeleton, 2008, Screen print on canvas, 59 x 65 cm
Scattered pattern, 2008, Screen print on canvas 59 x 65 cm
Tent, 2008, Screen print on canvas, 59 x 65 cm
Exhibition View, 2009, kunstraumarcade Mödling, (Judith.P.Fischer, Flora Zimmeter)

In this series, Flora Zimmeter depicts vineyards and apple orchards, which cover the landscape with distinct patterns and shapes. The artist is fascinated by the abstract-looking, linear way the vines follow the lay of the land and by the structure of the wood or metal props supporting the young or old vines.
In the orchards, apple trees echo the rise and fall of the land they grow on. They also give the landscape a new shape, especially with protective netting spread over them like a tent or covering the entire orchard respectively.
The artist highlights the architectural quality of cultivated land by photographing the landscapes at select times of the day/year, by using a limited range of colors and by carefully selecting striking details for the screen print.